The District of Fisheries and Blue Growth – COSVAP of Mazara del Vallo hasbeenengaged for years in solving the problems of the fisheriessector and in supporting companies in the supplychain, through the Co.S.Va.P.
Established with the signing of the DistrictPactisrecognized by the SicilianRegion with D.A. n. 182/12.S of 26 February 2008, renewed in 2011, in 2013 and lastly with D.A. n.164/GAB of 20/02/2020,
The Districtaims to research, build and implementusefulactions for the wholeseafoodchainatlocal, national and transnationallevelacting in synergiccooperation with cross-bordercountries, researchinstitutions, public and private institutions, credit institutions and companies, supporting and guidingtheireconomic and social growthprocessesaccording to the principles of the Blue Economy.