15 Nov COSVAP – WP6 NOTICE FOR SELECTION OF EXTERNAL SERVICES – 2022 HELIOS Project enHancingthEsociaL Inclusion Of neetS (A_A.3.1 0155) COSVAP PP1 C.U.P. E49J18002960004
Fisheries and Blue Growth District – COSVAP is partner of the EU Funding project “HELIOS – enHancing thE sociaL Inclusion Of neetS”.
The project total budget is € 2.791.437,46€ and it is financed for an amount of €
2.512.293,72 (90%) by the European Union (ENI CBC MED 2014-2020 Programme) through the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument.
HELIOS project aims to help tackle social exclusion and poverty amongst vulnerable groups by identifying the sector with greatest potential for growth and by providing marketable skills to NEETs to meet those sector needs through training activities and cross- border traineeships in companies.
Fisheries and Blue Growth District – COSVAP is partner of the consortium composed by the following partners: ARCES Association (Italy), Action Against Hunger (Spain), Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece), Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fishery (Tunisia), University College of Applied Sciences Planning and External Relations Affairs (Palestine) and The National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension (Jordan).
The HELIOS partners believe that the “NEET phenomenon” can be tackled and reduced through the implementation of concrete actions, such as training, coaching, tutoring and sharing of best practices between partners in two of the most relevant sectors of the Euro Mediterranean economy (i.e. Blue and Circular economy) which can generate hundreds of thousands of jobs for young people and women in the Mediterranean countries.
The project implementation period is 36 months (starting date 01St September 2019).