The official date of the birth of the Fishing District can be dated back to March 25, 2006, when the first “Pact for the Development of Industrial Fishing” wassigned, shared by various public and territorialbodies, universities, research and scientificinstitutes, credit institutions and companies.
Born from an intuition of Giovanni Tumbiolo, formerfounder of COSVAP (SicilianConsortium for the Valorization of Fish), established in 1990, itgaveit an international scope throughnumerousactivities with foreigncoastalcountries, marking the sector in recentyears.
“The relaunch of the Sicilianfishsystemneeds a realsilentrevolutionthrough the development of goodpractices of the circular economy within the Blue Growth model” thiswas the directive on which the districtactivitydeveloped: the Blue Economy and the ‘Blue Thinking'”. as a philosophy of thought, whichlooksat eco-sustainability and renewableresourcesas an ocean of possibilities for the benefit of social and economicgrowth.
Giovanni Tumbiolo, takes to heart the situation of the Sicilianseafaring and representsitsproblems in the deputies.